The research mission of the Visual Computing Laboratory at NTNU is to pursue research on topics that are theoretically interesting and / or of benefit to society, within the areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Image Processing and Visualization, which are jointly called Visual Computing.


3D Object Retrieval

3D Object Retrieval deals with the creation of robust and compact shape descriptors that allow the efficient retrieval of objects from a collection based on the similarity of their shape to that of a query object. It resembles a search engine for 3D objects based on shape. Other properties, such as texture, can also be used to make retrieval more accurate or efficient, while extensions to other object types are also being studied, e.g. 3D objects over time (often referred to as 4D).

The 3D Object Retrieval workshop has been running continuously since 2008; you can see the 2021 edition here, with references to all previous ones.

Relevant publications can be found under the profiles of:





In our context, biometrics refers to the recognition of individuals based on their biometric characteristics. We concentrate on the 3D face modality and various unconventional biometrics, such as somatotype and fingernail.

Relevant publications can be found under the profiles of: 





Medical Imaging

Relevant publications can be found under the profiles of:


Cultural Heritage

We are working on the application of Visual Computing techniques in the field of Cultural Heritage. These include the reconstruction of broken objects from their parts by assembling them like a 3D puzzle, the simulation and measurement of erosion, etc.

Relevant publications can be found under the profiles of: 




Extended reality

Relevant publications can be found under the profile of: 
